Saturday 19 April 2014

Accountable Conduct & The Independent Complaints Review Panel

Hi Bloggers

Things have not been so bad just lately the spring is here apart from the occasional night time dash to bring in plants to save them from the frost.

On Thursday of this last week I had a meeting with the CEO of the Stoke on Trent Partnership for an update on matters concerning my age old complaint,

It would not be right at the moment to share what we discussed however we did discuss the financial audit that was carried out by the County Council.

To date the County Council have continued to conduct themselves in a manner which is both none transparent and unaccountable.

All meeting requests for a period exceeding 2 years have all been either refused or ignored.

The financial audit exposed the extent of the neglect that my grandad was placed at and possibly who may have been responsible for theft of his funds.

We also discussed in detail issues surrounding grandads safeguarding where no action was taken to protect his welfare and safety.

Many other issues were highlighted surrounding information sharing between all the organizations at the time.
that could still exist to date.

Mr Stewart Poynor was attentive to my further questions and at no point was he either evasive or lacking in any of the information he provided, I can only summarize that he is true to his word that he welcomes challenge even if he agreed with your point or not.

This is a professional skill that should be in all Organizations at all levels.

There is too much of a defend in blind faith when complaints are made this is probably part from a blame claim culture and a superior power attitude in Local Authorities and other NHS Trusts.
If Organizations do not start to show that complainants and their respective complaints are being treated in a professional and none biased manner then given time they will become the blind victims of public embarrassment.

Also at this meeting I managed to meet Mrs Helene Donnerly who was instrumental in the Mid Staffordshire Hospital fiasco and I we discussed how institutions will close up and turn on individuals when complaints are made.

At present The Stoke on Trent Partnership are fully engaged with me to resolve and ensure that in future things will and must change only time will tell.

Over the last few weeks the Care Quality Commission have become involved in the matter of the failure of provision and the situation regarding my grandfather.

The Local Government Ombudsman has reopened the case regarding the County Council and are in communication with them.

The County Council are doing whatever they can to avoid the safeguarding issue surrounding my grandad, I can not and will not allow them to side step this important basic issue of the original complaint.

I have tried anew to get the ear of any member of the board at the county council all to no avail maybe some day someone will break the wall of silence.

In other news I have been asked if I would be willing to be on the new Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Partnership Independent Review Panel, this is something that I feel very passionately about and have offered my time and insight.

The review panel member will see the anonymous initial complaint letter from the complainant, then the investigation carried out by the trust including physical evidence and interviews.
Further to this the panel member also receives what the trust have undertaken to remedy and resolve the complaint.

All the subject matter can then be scrutinized for consistency,accuracy,bias and fairness.

The review panel members are not paid employees who can be impartial and unbiased who will see each complaint in full and have a say at board level.

The subject and the material available to the panel is confidential, however I can see no problem with letting you all know how the meetings go and if our input is making investigation and complaints management better for the public as well as the trust.

If this works then it will prove without any doubt that this local NHS Trust are Transparent and are Accountable to the general public they serve.

This is the way forward 

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We are here to try to make change please dont send posts which are without viable proof there are some good people out there attempting to do a good job.