Thursday 1 May 2014

If we want change we have to be fair

Afternoon Folks

Today's blog is about the importance of how you aim a complaint or criticisms in a fair manner.

As I hope you all know by now I am a pain in the backside to anyone who does not behave in a professional or accountable manner, further to this I will not be treated as a fool or an idiot.

I will never be told how to think or what to say and finally will not be any bodies puppet.

We live in a world sadly where cover up and underhand practice and procedures are rife and for any of you out there that feel this country is any better than the developing world then think again.

I used to live in a bubble where the police were honest, the county council were there to protect and provide a service along with our NHS.

My sad and misguided view was that all was well.

So my reason for today's rant.

It has taken me over two years to get the attention that should have been shown to my own original complaint.

Over this timescale I have seen ignorance by both Staffordshire County Council Staff and also NHS Trust Staff.

The amount of "On Holiday or Out of the Office replies" from the county council only leads me to believe that most of the time individuals are either working a one day week or they are so overworked that they use these messages as an excuse to help the delay process.

I have asked for meetings with the county council and the NHS Trust many times regarding the neglect of my grandfather all of which were ignored.

I requested meetings with both parties regarding my complaint all of which at the time were ignored or denied.

I filed my complaint with the LGO, The result being that all the evidence that I provided to the LGO went missing and the outcome was that Staffordshire County Council had conducted themselves in an appropriate manner. 

As you can see at all points until recent I have been ignored in a bid to make me just go away.

When you are the victim of ignorance and bullying it is very distressing and will make you want to have a go at anyone and everyone who is in a position of power.

After sending many emails and spending large amounts of time on the phone to finally get some accountability for the lies and defamatory conduct by Staffordshire CC and the report based on lies that had been signed off by the Trust, I gained a breakthrough.

On Twitter I came across a Chief Exec Officer called Stuart Poynor.

I read disbelieving the words being used on the site Transparent, Accountable and that he welcomed challenge.

This was the man responsible for the outcome of the complaint undertaken by staffordshire county council.

I tweeted to him and his newly appointed Ambassador for change.

It read as follows " How can you say that you are willing to listen when you ignore all my letters and never respond"

The reply was fast and efficient and I was contacted directly.

I provided the evidence to Mr Poynor directly who wanted to look into my evidence and concerns in full.

It was found that there were major concerns in the so called investigation carried out and the validity of the complaint being handled within the complaints regulations.

There were many examples of incompetent practice by many individuals involved in my grandfather safeguarding and the treatment afforded to myself and family.

The LGO have reopened the case and this is ongoing and the county council persist with the wall of silence.

The outcome of this case is far from over however the commitment of Mr Poynor and his trust to being accountable and honest in its dealings with me are without any doubt.

This trust has looked into it own failings and are willing to apologize when things are wrong and learn from mistakes.

This is a genuine move forward and deserves a little credit.

So the point of all this, if you find someone in this ignorant world who is genuine and willing to be challenged and try to make changes then work with them so that we send a clear message to the ignorant Chief executive officers and their respective boards that we the British public will not tolerate this sat back attitude any more.

Thought for the day

I watched a care home program last night that made me feel sick with the elderly being abused and their needs neglected.

Our County Councils need to do what they say Safeguarding should be what it says not just a buzz word.

Have a good Bank Holiday


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We are here to try to make change please dont send posts which are without viable proof there are some good people out there attempting to do a good job.