Tuesday 23 September 2014

Staffordhire Police Visit

Hi Folkes

This evening I have recived a home visit by Staffordshire Police.

Apparently they had been informed by a councilor that I was at risk of commiting suicide.

It was the first I knew of it.

It transpired that I had used a Hash Tag

For those not in the know a Hash Tag is a way of subject matters being connected on twitter for example if you wanted to make a view about child abuse or neglect you would use a # then the subject.

So what caused the confusion and iminent arrival of the police 22 hours later.

A woman on twitter had posted a request for males who had suffered with mental distress or feelings of suicide to contact her with there story.

So at the end of her tweet she placed the following #mentalhealth and #suicide.

Anyway I received a notification that it had been retweated by a county councilor you know those people who are suposed to act on behalf of the public.

In a moment of anoyance I made the following tweet.

Staffordshire county council caused me to have a mental breakdown then the same Hashtags.

Very quickly the police were informed that i could be about to comit suicide.

I was informed that a councilor had raised this concern and I advised the nice PC that all was fine and that I  could not for the life of me understand why anyone would make this conclusion from a HashTag.

So be aware do not use any Hash Tag such as IRA or Siriya or ISIS as the next visit could be interpoll.

On the positive side after all the ignorance of my local MP and Councilors and the County Council on the whole it was very reffreshing that a councilor had shown at least some concern finally although I have had no reply to an email sent to the very same man over 3 days ago.

It further transpired that the writter of the original tweet is a BBC employee and she has asked for the background of the storry, I can only hope that she is also ok and well as she indeed used the Hash Tag.


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We are here to try to make change please dont send posts which are without viable proof there are some good people out there attempting to do a good job.